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الجمعة، 20 مارس 2015

مجموعة أنونيموس تُحذر من إستعمال موقع التورنت الشهير PirateBay !



حذرت مجموعة الهاكرز المعروفة “أنونيموس” من استخدام موقع التورنت الشهير “بايرت باي”، زاعمة أنه يُدار حاليا بواسطة المباحث الفيدرالية الأميركية “إف.بي.آي”.
وتعرضت خوادم الموقع لمداهمة من الشرطة السويدية في ديسمبر الماضي، ما أسفر عن توقفه عن العمل لنحو شهرين تقريبا.


ونشرت العديد من الحسابات التابعة لـ “أنونيموس” على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي تحذيرات عدة متعلقة بالموقع الذي عاد للعمل منذ أيام في حلة مختلفة نوعا.

وبالرغم من عدم وجود واضح على إدارة المباحث الفيدرالية للموقع، إلا أن البعض رأى في اختفاء الإعلانات الإباحية من الموقع، وأيضا استخدام خوادم آمنة دليلا على التدخل الحكومي في إدارة الموقع بشكل غير مباشر، واستخدامه كـ “مصيدة” للإيقاع بأكبر جماعات قرصنة المحتوى.

Mickey Rourke Gets His Muscles Ready For Expendables 3

mickey rourke golds gym leave pic expendables 3

Mickey Rourke and his muscles have been in a lot of action movies, so we're not surprised at all to hear that he'll be in The Expendables 3! Honestly though, we wonder how they get ANY scenery or locations on screen while filming, as we're pretty sure if they add one more person all the muscles will block our view from whatever's going on!
Mickey was spotted, looking almost unrecognizable, at Gold's Gym (above), making sure everything keeps bulging correctly before the upcoming flick! As he was leaving, we got a glimpse at just what he's been working on — and that he TOTALLY means business when he's working out!
At 60 years old, well… let's just say that WE wouldn't want to fight him! Just look at that pic (below)!

mickey rourke golds gym leave pic expendables 3 1

Hugh Jackman Moves Out Of The House Moves Into The Gym


hugh jackman bodybuilding instagram pumping iron fitness health

Seriously though, it's almost as if Hugh Jackman has packed his bags, told his family that it wasn't their fault, and straight up moved into the gym across the street! This guy is ALWAYS pumping iron!! We won't ever complain about it, because it's super seksi, but we DO feel bad for how much time he could be helping his kids with homework and stuff! LOLz! Okay, so homework sucks! Maintaining your temple rules! Hugh posted these two new pics on Instagram (above and below), exclaiming that all of his drive is coming from the looming cheat day in his future! You can do it, Hugh! You're almost there! Ha! 

hugh jackman bodybuilding instagram pumping iron fitness health 1

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles



Abdominal muscles are most athletes must interest in it because it is the center of the body and the basis of other muscles , and this , as well as elegant appearance with tight clothing , so Here is a selection of exercise that makes the abdomen tight at its strongest .

1. Exercise Ball Crunch
Are advised to carry out this exercise during the 3 sessions per day , Using a large ball dedicated to it Mark your back lying on them, and set your feet on the ground , then place your hands by your side and your own rose up and then down slowly for several times.

2. Flat Bench Lying Leg Raise
You can do this exercise by lying down on the " Bench " so that نصفك becomes Top upon Rgelak the مثبتتان in the air , then put your hands down your back , and then lift your legs forming a right angle , and then Anzlhma again to start mode , and so on.

3. Oblique Crunches
Using the " pinch " himself You can do this exercise, by lying down on the floor and put two men on Alpinc , to be more like a place to sit , then place a palms down your head and the other side, then lift your shoulders off the ground at an angle to make the elbow as soon put his knee, and then return to the starting mode again , the spectrum interchangeably with the same number of times with the other hand .

4. Reverse Crunch
This exercise needs to be same as the previous situation , but without the use of the " Bench " , then you are making your knees close to your chest and then return to starting position slowly again , and so on .

5. Seated Barbell Twist
Sit on the " Bench " to make light weight ( bar) , putting him behind the neck and holding hands on Monday , and then semi - rotation left and right and you're sitting in your place several times.

6. Barbell Squat
Lift heavier weight in the same way as the previous exercise , but this time will be standing up , and then start to go down into a squatting position and then slowly rise again, several times.

7. Dumbbell Lunges
Catch Tkulain small in your hands , then place one of your feet forward and the other backward like you're in standby mode to run , and make your chest upright and your hands down, and then descend to the bottom and then rise several times.

8. Pushups
Push-ups that are famous through the installation of your hands and your feet on the ground parties , with the decline until chest almost touches the ground, and rise again several times until you reach the maximum number you can do .

9. Single-Arm Push-Up
Do exactly the same the previous exercise , but using a hands then other interchangeably, and bearing in mind that when you are based on one the other down your back .

10. Jackknife Sit-Up
Lie on the floor , and an individual arms up , then lift your arms and legs in order to be at a 45 degree angle and then lie down on the ground again , and so several times.

11. Plank
Mark yourself in a position that exercise pressure again, but this time do not prove palms on the ground , but Mark your arms until elbow مثبتتين the greatness forward to be your eyes straight and your body Vda , for a period of one minute , at least.

Nick Jonas Tells Men's Fitness How He Got RIPPED


nick jonas tells mens fitness how he got into amazing shape
If you're still freaking out over the Jonas Brothers canceling their tour dates and possible rift growing between the band, just look on the bright side.
There will still always be Nick Jonas and his incredibly buff bod! Seriously, just look at that thing!!
Well the youngest of the Jo Bros opened up to Men's Fitness about his bulging biceps, and he says his muscles are no accident!
Nick dishes:
"I worked with a trainer who showed me some things that I can take with me on the road. Basically, it’s circuit training, so about six exercises, all targeting different parts of the body and then following it up with a two-minute cardio burnout. It's been a really effective workout routine for me, and it keeps it interesting."
Interesting probably isn't the word we'd use!
HOT is more like it!
While it's clear that Nick is dedicated to his gym time, he also says he has to be careful since he is diabetic.
He goes on to say:
"It’s really about just staying on top of it and managing every detail. I had to work with my doctor, making sure all my numbers were good and that I wasn't putting too much stress on my body working out as much as I was. When I work out, my blood sugar goes up. But then about an hour and a half later it drops down low. So, post-workout I would have to not only have protein to rebuild muscle but also carbs to sustain my blood sugar. So when I cut a lot of carbs out of my diet, I had to be conscious of that."
Wow! That sounds like a lot of work!
It's not only great to see that Nick has taken his health and fitness so seriously, but he's also being very smart about it and making sure he doesn't overwork himself!

Free application reveals the secrets of getting a prominent belly muscles



What do you think to exercise to sports daily in your own home and without the need for a coach?

The application name Runtastick Six Pack Abs Workout
System: Android
Description: a comprehensive reference for training sports task that help you reach the highest levels of fitness and flexibility and you're at home, contains this wonderful application on a distinct set of videos accompanied by the explanation detailed, you now do not need to spend money in order to get a coach to fitness of your own.
Price: Free

Uploaded :, 

Benefits of energy drinks before exercise


In order to exercise more effectively , accept the other on energy drinks that you earn , which enters into the composition of elements such as caffeine , and creatine and some amino acids , some studies have shown that these scientific drinks 3 Benefits immediately prior to the exercise .

1. Energy products help increase the force needed to do as much exercise during a certain period , especially weight lifting, who shall postpone the physical fatigue compared with not eating any of these products .

2. Energy products affect the effectiveness of the exercise , so the more useful performance regardless of how much exercise.

3. Qualify psychologically play a greater muscular effort .

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulders



If you 're looking for the perfect body , you need attention to every part of it separately , and as the shoulders of the places that neglects the many exercises in their own journey to strengthen the body, First, we assure you need attention, and secondly let you know how to do it.

1) Learn your weaknesses and treatment
Before performing any exercise , you first need to identify your weaknesses , and vulnerable areas in your body , and then prepare well to strengthen those areas through exercise and diet tight , just like the construction process , when work is done on the building Dkhmn workers begin developing the foundations solid bear building height and strength later.

2) anatomy
Shoulder muscle , is considered the main engine for most parts of the body the top , there are 4 muscles help move the upper part of the body which is used in many ways the most important of lifting heavy objects , those muscles , such as the shoulder joint and fork , if you do not Ptqoatha through exercise intensive , it has you find yourself exposed to numerous injuries whenever I tried to do any great effort .

3 ) Learn the muscles and how powerful rotary
You stand in an upright position against a wall , and start the implementation of a squatting position with moving your knees at an angle mi 90 degrees , and then lift your arms up so that a shoulder angle of 90 degrees as well, and then start to move your hand without touching the wall, if you can not do that, make sure that the rotary muscles in the shoulder area are weak and can not make this effort , and the need for a range of exercise to strengthen and build on it , follow this exercise :

- External rotation exercises
Start this exercise in the sitting position , then place your hand on anything in front of you and try touching كوعك area of ​​the knee, so that your forearm parallel to the floor , and without moving any other part of the body , move helped to lift your body off the ground with the survival of your arms on the floor.

- Reverse roller exercises
Stand in front of any reel, such as those found in the halls sports, Mark shoulders Mmtdan forward without moving any other part of the body , and then move your arms back and forward again with a stay constant ( Repeat this exercise 15 to 20 times per day) .

- Dumbbells
Lie on a bench and lift your hands straight status with the use of dumbbells, and then start moving your hands very slowly to the bottom and the top, and backward and forward, and would prefer to stay for a few seconds in each mode before returning to the main mode that began exercises.

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles



Abdominal muscles are most athletes must interest in it because it is the center of the body and the basis of other muscles , and this , as well as elegant appearance with tight clothing , so Here is a selection of exercise that makes the abdomen tight at its strongest .

1. Exercise Ball Crunch
Are advised to carry out this exercise during the 3 sessions per day , Using a large ball dedicated to it Mark your back lying on them, and set your feet on the ground , then place your hands by your side and your own rose up and then down slowly for several times.

2. Flat Bench Lying Leg Raise
You can do this exercise by lying down on the " Bench " so that نصفك becomes Top upon Rgelak the مثبتتان in the air , then put your hands down your back , and then lift your legs forming a right angle , and then Anzlhma again to start mode , and so on.

3. Oblique Crunches
Using the " pinch " himself You can do this exercise, by lying down on the floor and put two men on Alpinc , to be more like a place to sit , then place a palms down your head and the other side, then lift your shoulders off the ground at an angle to make the elbow as soon put his knee, and then return to the starting mode again , the spectrum interchangeably with the same number of times with the other hand .

4. Reverse Crunch
This exercise needs to be same as the previous situation , but without the use of the " Bench " , then you are making your knees close to your chest and then return to starting position slowly again , and so on .

5. Seated Barbell Twist
Sit on the " Bench " to make light weight ( bar) , putting him behind the neck and holding hands on Monday , and then semi - rotation left and right and you're sitting in your place several times.

6. Barbell Squat
Lift heavier weight in the same way as the previous exercise , but this time will be standing up , and then start to go down into a squatting position and then slowly rise again, several times.

7. Dumbbell Lunges
Catch Tkulain small in your hands , then place one of your feet forward and the other backward like you're in standby mode to run , and make your chest upright and your hands down, and then descend to the bottom and then rise several times.

8. Pushups
Push-ups that are famous through the installation of your hands and your feet on the ground parties , with the decline until chest almost touches the ground, and rise again several times until you reach the maximum number you can do .

9. Single-Arm Push-Up
Do exactly the same the previous exercise , but using a hands then other interchangeably, and bearing in mind that when you are based on one the other down your back .

10. Jackknife Sit-Up
Lie on the floor , and an individual arms up , then lift your arms and legs in order to be at a 45 degree angle and then lie down on the ground again , and so several times.

11. Plank
Mark yourself in a position that exercise pressure again, but this time do not prove palms on the ground , but Mark your arms until elbow مثبتتين the greatness forward to be your eyes straight and your body Vda , for a period of one minute , at least.

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