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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Steel chest exercises


A set of tips that will help each trainee to get chest muscles strong comparable boxers .

Men focuses on the chest area largely due to its important role in getting a strong athletic body , but this region need to be a special effort , unlike the rest of the body, to appear characteristically as you wish.

1) constant pressure
Unlike the rest of the body , you need the chest area to the constant pressure through physical exercises debilitating to ensure you get the desired result in the end , for example , you can do 12 to 15 training medium or light load, such as pressure or jogging or lifting dumbbells, but in return you must perform from 6 to 8 exercises Trgmk on load weights exaggerated , and stress the muscles of the chest and provoke significantly , which in the end will help muscle hypertrophy significantly after continuing in this matter for a long time .

2 ) pressure in a progressive manner
Another system helps to strengthen the muscles of the chest through the start of the training session with 15 group , for example , taking a rest period is estimated at 15 minutes after the completion of the first round, and then resume training again with the increase in collections workouts to 25 and get a rest period estimated half an hour . . Thus, this helps to increase the pressure on the biceps and chest area and forearms , and comes with quick results .

3 ) Ball sports
The use of ball sports during the exercises that focus on the muscles of the chest is of great benefit , especially since the impact of the ball up to the shoulders and forearms also give trainee the opportunity to get the balance that is looking for in those areas by focusing accuracy and address of the training , which often provoke the muscles of the body , and Trgmk to make the greatest possible effort .

4) Use Pulley
Use the machine pulley in the exercises help strengthen the muscles of the chest through constipation machine and took the shape of a character T, which makes your arm is compatible with the rest of the muscles of your body, and when you start training , you will not strengthen the muscles of the chest and abdomen , but will touch the shoulders and forearms and back as well.

5) carry weights direct
Download the weights directly through the situation and standing up, or in the sitting position, it also helps to focus on the muscles of the chest by a large margin , but only if you addressing the training more diverse aims to provoke muscle -specific, and focused on the forearms also next to the shoulders and chest , but this happens , you need to implementation of 15 different exercise in every training session before getting a rest period.

Unknown / Author & Editor

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