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الجمعة، 20 مارس 2015

How to build your muscles by food



Certainly does not carry the title of new information , we all know that the food is an essential way to build the body , but it may be new is the guide to the best foods that serve this purpose , quantities and appropriate times to eat them .

1) You must know the difference between a complete protein and incomplete , the first resides in meat, eggs and fish , while incomplete is present in plant products such as beans .

2) Quantity must be intake of protein per day is suitable for your weight , if you weigh 68 kg should eat at least 150-255 grams of protein a day. Useful proteins of the body are red meat , fish, eggs, white meat , dairy, and dairy whey protein .

3) more than eating foods that contain carbohydrates in the morning and before exercise , because they provide energy for muscle during exercise .

4 ) breakfast of the most important meals per day , eating foods containing protein eggs , for example , and foods containing carbohydrates.

5) You can eat snacks such as nuts between meals , if you want to lose weight at the same time gaining muscle , فتخلى for a meal before going to sleep because it may turn into fat.

6) milk serum protein is considered a panacea for muscle strengthening , but there are some medical concerns that the protein in these vaccines is difficult to digest and may accumulate or deposited in the kidneys , this more frequent advised of drinking water after eating for the liquidation of this deposition .

7) You can eat foods that contain healthy fats unsaturated such as fish , nuts , olives , peanuts , stay away from saturated fats found in preserved foods such as ice cream , chocolate and fried foods.

8) Learn how to digest the protein in the body of specialized books .

9) more than a drink of water they are useful in order to grow muscle and recover after exercise stress .

10) Watch your intake of foods that contain a lot of salt so you do not get pressure, but I know that during the exercise , lose a lot of these salts through sweat .

11 ) Eat what you like of the foods mentioned above , it handled like a big role in muscle benefit .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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