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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Important tips to achieve maximum fitness



Simple and effective ways has the greatest influence on the body's muscles , to get the best result in the fastest time.

As we enter the summer period , everyone starts to search for the best and fastest ways to get the athletic body is lean textures and macho boast in front of others on the beach, or by wearing summer clothes , which help to achieve these tips.

1 ) Focus on the biceps
The use of dumbbells in the training of the muscles of the forearms and biceps specifically is very important to enjoy strong arms , all you have to do is use the dumbbells from 8 to 12 times per group , provided that at least the number of training groups of 2 or 3 during a training session .

2 ) Jogging
Constantly jogging every day with the help of an integrated diet guarantees you a high fitness , strong leg muscles , especially if jogging exercises which address depends on the legs of the overload during jogging on the beach, or the use of sandbags in the exercises.

3) Abdominal Exercises
Exercise is important targets the muscles of the upper part of the body such as the abdomen , chest and forearms, are advised to take training from 12 to 15 times, but not less than the number of groups of 2 or 3 in every training session .

4) sports products
The use of some sports products that aim to supply the body protein that lacks the elements will not harm you launch , such as Body Fortress or anything equivalent plug-in, which is independent of means for integrated diet if you're the type who prefers to eat anything at any time.

5) Lifting Exercises
Exercises a mission to raise the rate of fitness through clinging Bar located in the gym and try to lift your whole body depending on ساعديك the only training focuses mainly on the biceps and cause an increase in size significantly with time .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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