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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

How do you get on the muscles of Arnold Schwarzenegger


" Arnold Schwarzenegger " and one of the most famous stars of the field of bodybuilding in the world, but how he got this sports body ?

For muscles " Arnold " huge , especially the biceps , was the star of the "Hollywood" follows the famous tough training regime continue for a 26 , two days a week, every Tuesday and Friday , and now let's us know that was followed by exercises .

1) lifting of the situation and standing
The training " Arnold " executed twice a week , the first group continue for 8 times , while the second will continue for 12 rounds , the training depends on the stand upright and lifting dumbbells or large weights directly , which directly affects the biceps .

2 ) Raise the dumbbells alternately
Lie on your existing chair in the gym and use a dumbbell in each hand and then start moving your right hand up and down alternately with the left hand , and continued to repeat this 12 times, for a period of 8 sets .

3) Exercise one arm
The training focuses on the biceps in each arm separately by sitting at a tilted angle and carrying a dumbbell in one arm and body with a penchant for a few in front of an angle , and move the arm up and down alternately.

4) alternating dumbbell
Another exercise focuses entirely on the muscles of the forearms by standing in an upright position and carrying a dumbbell in both arms and start lifting up and down with a stay in a fixed position , which helps to increase the mass of the biceps , you need to carry out this exercise 8 times repeatedly with re- group 12 times.

Unknown / Author & Editor

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