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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

How to eat practitioner for the sport of body building



Eating for bodybuilding practitioner will help you to build muscle and lose fat better and faster .

If you exercise of bodybuilding , prefers tracking specific food fevers frequently protein and fiber element with Tkulailalkrbuhedrat and fat , here are a group of foods that can achieve this purpose.

1) Reduce the heavy sugars and sweets , eat a meal every two hours or 3, and must contain the protein and vegetable fibers .

2) eating flaxseed and flaxseed oil They reduce your intake of fat and removes the inflammation of the joints , you can use capsules containing flax seed , but it will not be an interest rate of natural seed free of chemicals.

3) Drink plenty of water per day to avoid dehydration Natina exercise , it is also useful for building muscle.

4) at breakfast you can eat a dietary supplement with milk or low-fat yogurt or fruit juice , or you can eat one egg or a handful of oats , meal after eating flaxseed oil or 1000 milligram capsule .

5) after two hours and breakfast you can eat a plate of tuna protein-rich snack , then move on to lunch that could be a plate of pasta rich in fiber with some of the cut the issuance Chicks , followed by a capsule of flax seed oil .

6) the fourth light meal may be a plate of salmon or tuna n 4 , or a dish of meat is rich in protein , you can also eat a spoonful of whey protein shakes with low-fat milk .

7 ) Alojbn 4 of the following dish of 226 grams with salmon and cooked in olive oil , along with a green salad leaf broccoli rich in fiber .

8) the next meal may be two tablespoons of a dietary supplement with low-fat milk or 3 eggs ( without eating Cefarhm ) Also, if you tend to a vegetarian diet , you can replace protein - rich tuna with almonds .

9) Do not neglect the flax seed oil beads after every meal , and eat more vegetables and fruits .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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