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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Meals are useful for building muscle



You should have taken up duties with your practice for muscle -building exercises , so you get better and faster as a result .

After a long session in the gym , you will feel tired and fatigue , hunger, no doubt, but I can not Food filled with fat, which affect the growth of the body's muscles and make fitness training are useless , so I prefer to follow the following tips in foods that touch on her after physical exercises directly.

1) tuna salad
Prefer eating tuna salad immediately after exercise with black olives , pickles , appetizers , which provide the body with protein, The olive Fimd the heart, brain, fat necessary , can also eat bread that provides the level of low - carbohydrate sugar in the blood.

2) smoked meat
Eat smoked meat is very beneficial for the body according to statements Chef " John Wilder ," and prefer to eat this meat with mayonnaise , which supplies the body with 200 calories in almost record time.

3) beef and cheese
If you feel very hungry after exercise , you can eat roast beef with thin slices of hot mustard , tomatoes , onions , sliced ​​, and do not mind eating cheese Havarta too.

4) Chicken
Eat chicken breast with beads beans in addition to the authority of lettuce and tomato is considered a full meal and light body earn 250 calories if you eat a large Cuba of water immediately afterwards .

5) a diverse mix
All the following foods can be eaten at any time after the exercise without any digestion problems , but on the contrary, they provide the energy needed by the body , such as yogurt , lettuce, tomatoes , cheese , black olives and vanilla and berries.

Unknown / Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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