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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

How good at boxing


Do you think that locked in the field of boxing? If you have enough ready let 's help these tips .

Boxing is not a guide to punch and avoid the other , it is much larger and need to be hard effort and practice many other sports , and more importantly, to be a lover of this martial art .

1) Exercises and committed to programs that charge you , boxing say that a novice needs to intensive training for a period ranging between 3 to 6 months before it enters the competition circuit , training includes 3 areas : physical fitness and basic exercises and carrying weights .

2) Professional Boxers know the importance of fitness and its crucial role in increasing the capacity required in endurance competitions with long tours , for this trainee boxing keen on running long distances and the enemy to stimulate rapid endurance .

3) basic boxing exercises targeting the trunk of its importance for boxing , these exercises such as cutting and abdomen , Alqrvsh and pressure, each exercise do it with 3 sessions , a number of times to repeat the exercise within the sessions do not exceed 20 .

4) carry weights exercises , especially those that target the muscles of the shoulders , chest and hands, boxer helps build strong blows comes from the iron fist .

5 ) Then go to learn the basics of boxing, and most important of these fundamentals are stance that should stand out boxer during the competition , if you Ayman , provide your left leg forward and another right to stop just 45 degrees from your opponent , put your fist left bottom cheek and right the bottom of the jaw , and vice if you أعسرا .

6 ) during the competition Stand on the front feet and move down in the ring , if you are facing a left-handed boxer فتحرك to your left , if the opposite move your right hand up to move away from the scope of powerful strikes .

7 ) Most of the exercises punches in a professional manner , and be familiar with the techniques and methods of punches deductible.

8 ) Learn how to repel the opponent strikes and strikes also received , Valmlakma not limited to punches , use the move and put your hands in front of face and elbows to protect the trunk.

Unknown / Author & Editor

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