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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

How to motivate yourself to go to C.


Tips to put an end to the postponement of laziness, and to go for the " C " to each activity .

Go to the " C " might be tired, and of course the exercises also tired , but what do you think about some of the steps that fool out of yourself until you go for the " C" on a regular basis .

1) Go to the " C" and convince yourself that if you do not want to train you can go home again, when located in the " C" you 'll find yourself coming to the exercise .

2) accrue to reward yourself when you go to the " C " and doing lots of exercises to take root in the mind that go to C is positive and useful.

3) 'd what will lose money if I stopped going to the " C" , calculate the total spent on clothing and equipment training , think of activities that will be carried out instead of training which often cost you money without a positive return on health.

4 ) Buy some equipment and clothing of the " C " as a kind of bribe for the same and motivated to go to the "C".

5) Be realistic about the table that will be able to be implemented with regard to times to go to training , do not exaggerate the enthusiasm quickly so do not despair at the failure , go to C preferred close to your home or place of business and organize times and going according to schedule your day .

6 ) Select the first goals of easy verification and short - term help and motivate you to move to another larger goals , he put goals gradually helps to achieve, for example : committed to go once to the " C" week until up to 5 times .

7) Tell your friends and ask them to go with you to the " C" This will based Bthfazak and help you to adhere to .

8) Try to diversity in the exercise carried out so as not to leak bored you, you can , for example , enrollment classes give lessons in the sport " Kickboxing " , or practicing some fitness exercises as well as carrying weights.

9 ) Stop blaming other things in the case تقصيرك , such as blaming the " C " and lack of readiness or jam your day , you must recognize that you are the reason not to go to the " C" and you are responsible for this failure .

10) Can you imagine yourself and you are locked in a new challenge in the " C" or imagine the body that you want to achieve , imagination could have a significant role in facilitating the process of commitment.

11) Listen to your favorite music via MP3 or " iPod " while doing exercises and make the " C " is the time allotted to hear what you want from the favorite music .

12) interested in your health outside the "C" , which restrict eating healthy foods and get premium multitude of sleep and stay away from smoking and health - damaging habits , until you see the result on your body workouts quickly.

Unknown / Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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