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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

How exercise push-ups in different ways



Ways to give you more advantage of push - ups , if you want to get huge muscles without tools.


Exercise pressure and a means of punishment sometimes in military institutions or a way to increase strength and endurance , or both at the same time , because they simply combine all types of exercises other and affect the muscles of the body different to the extent that it has become an essential element in a lot of fitness programs and martial arts and military fitness and what distinguishes it is possible to perform anywhere by ground -free, but what do you think of a little change ?


1 ) pressure with open arms

This exercise strengthens the muscles of the chest and shoulders , all you have to do is lie down on your belly and individual arms, and then lift your body off the ground a few inches and prove fingers and then descend down smoothly until it touches your chest earth, and to alleviate the difficult situation you can move one of your arms around the other to become in parallel mode , and prefers doing the exercise on the floor or over - padded cushion so as not to be involved .


2) handstand

This depends exercise on balance , it is an exercise Classic Old , where stands on the hands and remain the head at the bottom, the primary benefit of this exercise is to strengthen the muscles of the shoulders , arms, and has nothing to do muscles chest, and to perform the exercise properly you must first push yourself to any wall and you stand on your hands then begin to climb up and down to the bottom , taking into account touch the ground your head until you feel that increasing blood pumping in your head.


3) jumping with hands applause

One of the types of push-ups are common, as the name implies Valtmaren an applause during jump up and return safely to Earth, this exercise need some power, speed , power is to push the body to the highest appropriate distance so that gives you a good time for applause and speed to be able to clap before they hit the Earth , before performing this exercise you should jump without applause more than once to be gaining some strength and speed to play properly.


4) the status of Spider - Man

A new and great exercise pressure , take the situation normal pressure but you need individual arms away from al-Sadr as well as the spacing feet from each other then go down to the bottom and move your foot around your arm to touch the knee wrist , then repeat it in the left and right sides . This exercise is characterized by ease in its performance and its impact on the foot muscles , abdomen and thighs.


5) the status of the triangle

Of the best exercises to strengthen the triceps muscle , after taking the normal pressure position and before Appearances down approach your hands that Atlamsa and spacing of the feet and then descend down quietly and up to the top , you 'll find that your hands before Appearances down takes the form of a triangle .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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