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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Warm-up movement to destroy the fat and tight muscles



Ways warm-up movement to break up the fat , and provided by the Foundation expert ActivPrayer.

Most men suffer from neglect in the performance of movements of heating and warm-up before engaging in sports training , which is very dangerous , as the heating process is the gate that performs the body of the state of the movement and gain strength , and thinking of some of that heating is routine , they resort to doing some movements which is of no use , just for a quick completion of the heating.
Therefore site offers menshealth, way warm-up movement performed by Coach David Jack owner of a ActivPrayer in Phoenix, Arizona , which is dependent on the stand based on the towel and then put your hands on the ground to تصبحا parallel with your feet , and begin to walk with your hands step by step to become in a position like status training pressure, then pull your feet to get back to the starting position.
This training works to destroy the center - abdominal fat and buttocks and tighten the muscles of the abdomen and feet , chest , buttocks and the middle, and gives high flexibility to engage in sports training with full force and Hamas.

Unknown / Author & Editor

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