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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Turkish Get Up exercises to strengthen the muscles of the body


Group exercises Turkish , known as the Turkish Get Up, working to strengthen the muscles of the body as a whole , and increase endurance as well as muscle .

Often neglected practitioners bodybuilding some exercises that will amplify the muscles and improve fitness and endurance , so The group of exercises Turkish Get Up is working to strengthen the body and the muscles at the same time increase the durability and make able to lift weights greater.
Generally can practice this exercise with different types of tools such as the "bar" or sand bag or Alzanh the best with it, and would prefer to start with weights as small as the "bar" or the " dumbbell " the multiplicity of their weight , and will need trainee to balance great to do exercise this tools.
To exercise strengthens the sand bag waist and torso dramatically, and gives the trainee strength and flexibility in the movement , and the Alzanh is important , but a bit daunting for the novice.

· Steps Exercise

1) stretch on the floor with your right leg bent so as to be adjacent to the leg feet left leg knee , with hand - pregnancy weight Yemen vertically .

2 ) Push Bakdmk right and then go to your left side , then adopted on the left , all that and your right hand holding the weight in perfect balance .

3) Push your body with your left hand , and then go to a standing position .

4 ) Adopted on your left leg after bending to the left - hand side , so while keeping weight to put over your head.

5) Take a deep breath and tight muscles of your body and then stand . After the success of the step moved to stretch again.

6) Do not make your eyes and your concentration beyond the weight of which is over your head , this is very important .

7 ) Be always ready to shed weight away from you if you lose your balance and your inability to carry.

8 ) At the beginning of exercise does not make the number of mirror beyond the 5 times , with the exchange of hands to carry the weight .

9) prepared the place where you are in this exercise , and you should try to be free even when Elqaúk the weight so as not to infect someone .

10) to get rid of the shoe worn because it affects your balance while doing exercise .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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