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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Important rules to build a strong shoulder muscles



Some simple rules that will help you double the size of your muscles and increase their strength significantly in a very short time .

So you can get the look you want to look like your muscles , you must focus on your performance method of exercises, focus on some simple movements performed in a certain way you will achieve maximum benefit from training, as opposed to be your training depending on the amount of weights that raises only.

Install foot
When performing exercises sitting , you must install your feet on the ground straight one , he put only one foot on the ground is wrong, It reduces the ăĚĺćĎß of concentration and maintains the integrity of your body that desperately needs to reach the greatest benefit from the training.

Put the knee
You must open the knee in a way that helps you continue training , when you open your knees to help the rest of your muscles and stamina to be more flexible and fitness.

Straightening thighs
Considered الفخذان of the most important areas that determine the extent to benefit from training , Fodahm the straight backward or forward together bring you stability and stamina and continue your training .

Put back
A lot of your strength comes from the lumbar region , you must make sure that your back takes place during training rectitude , If you Bahanae the back will feel tired quickly .

Raise the chest , shoulders and look forward
When Tadatk of exercises you should take a goal and placebo in front of your eye and consider him to be a face always in front in order to maintain the integrity of your body starting from the lumbar region to the front of your head, this situation will reduce distractions during training and helps to increase the training time.

* No need to familiarize yourself with these steps before you start any training in order to achieve benefit from it to the fullest , here are some of the important exercises to build your chest and shoulder muscles strong and twisted .

1) lifting of the situation asleep
You lie on your back and constipation Bar Iron and submit it to the top and lowered slowly to the bottom , and there is a trick will check for the muscles of the chest as much of the benefit , which is to focus on developing the elbow in the corner of increase of effort during the raise and lower the bar iron , then so are the chest muscles to exert effort multiplier in training and you'll notice it yourself.

2 ) pressure on the chest
You sit down on one of the seats allocated to training and you adjust the angle of the seat so that no more than 15 degrees, in order to maintain the increased pressure on the muscles of the chest during the lift " Aldambalz " up by your arms and ride down slowly to the bottom again, and can increase the effort shoulder muscles and relieving muscles Sadr increase the amount of the angle of the seat .

3 ) the use of wheelchairs
You can use the seats that can control the angle of your back while you sit on them, you can configure the seat to bring you as much of the load on the muscles of the shoulder and back and chest during training , he put your body in the right corner helps to increase endurance and motivation to continue training properly.

4 ) How to load on the shoulder muscles
Normal training for the shoulder muscles does not give you what hopes of benefit, Fathrak " Aldambalz " to the top and to the bottom again will result in a deviation arm automatically back and forth , which will expose you to injury and fatigue your muscles without make the desired training , you must specify the path to move your arms straightening up in one and landing loads again down the same path .

Unknown / Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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