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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

The best ways to breathe during exercise



The best ways of breathing during exercise, and tips that we all must follow in this regard.

Breathing correctly while performing aerobics helps to increase the voltage and stamina and continue to , as opposed to random breath methods that may drain your energy , and make you feel tired early .

1) breath while jogging
Experts say that proper breathing while jogging is through inhalation of air fully in the process of inspiration , and get rid of carbon dioxide in the process of exhaling , and even the work is done in a scientific way , try inhaling a large amount of air while jogging or when you your left foot touching the ground, and concludes them in the process when you exhale the same foot touching the ground for the second time in a row, this helps in slowing the heart rate dramatically , comfortable feeling and the ability to breathe freely without feeling tired .

2) Weightlifting apnea
Breath while lifting weights in the gym depends on the effort that you do, if you are working on drawing exercises or lift, you can get rid of carbon dioxide during the lifting grater, while breathing the air during the disposal of pregnancy, the process of exhaling during the exercise to be more the ability to calm the body without affecting the blood vessels or lifting body pressure .

3) How oxygen helps burn fat
Oxygen and water seen as important sources to burn excess fat inside the body, he drank water in large quantities and breathing correctly, an effective way to get the body limber with exercise , of course, Valoxgen helps water to get rid of endotoxins and out on the body secretions and perspiration during exercise , such as walking, swimming , cycling , and jogging .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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