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الجمعة، 20 مارس 2015

Necessary before the warm-up exercises cruel exercises



Warm-up exercises have occurred before doing any magic training hard , it keeps the muscles of the body exposed to any injury and makes them in complete readiness to take advantage of the harsh exercises that accepts them any professional athlete .

1) Dynamic Warm-up
Jumping rope a workout magic , which is active all the muscles in the body and improve blood flow by , which vary between jump ropes legs and one leg , between 10 to 20 times , then move on to the exercises D thigh muscle while prostrate on the ground with the same number the previous exercise. And leg exercises swing from back to front and then to the side helps muscle relaxant as well , then finish the exercises pressure between 10 to 20 times .

2 ) warm-up before lifting weights
This warm-up is also one of the most important exercises that precede do to lift heavy weights to prepare the muscles of the body to carry, and begins to move both wrists in a circular motion as you draw circles in the air , and all the intern to do is stand in place and the extension of his hands in the air so that it is below the level of his waist and then do Bthrikema the circular from left to right and vice versa 10 times.
• Exercise move the elbows longer muscles of the hands, in which trainee extended his hand in front of him so that it is seemingly facing the ceiling , and then tightly fist and returns ulna pass up a fist from under the jaw to the back hand to place first , but this time the interior is facing the ceiling . Preferably done in the hands 10 times .
• warm-up circuits arms stating shoulder muscles , arms and the bolt, in this exercise, stand trainee and opens his arms to its widest point as if about to embrace them and then draw small circles for 10 seconds and then expands these departments for ten seconds again until it reaches the maximum circular motion also for 10 seconds. Then moves on to another exercise in the same situation but this time be a circular motion from back to front .
• Exercises swing leg using weights , in this exercise, stand trainee upright pregnant weight one of his hands and then cut this weight to bend half of the top forward at the same time increase the leg that fall under the hand weight-bearing , rising upright Kalrmoh then returns trainee Bncefh Top back and descend leg but without touching the ground to return to the first position after the bend apprentice again . Prefer to do this exercise 10 times with each leg .
• Train " Spider-Man Long " is also a useful warm-up exercises for the whole body and legs in particular , in which the trainee like lies on the verge of doing exercises pressure , but on the other hand is extended one of his legs forward to align with his hands .
• warm-up exercises , back and shoulders or PVC dislocates, in this exercise , carrying trainee stick at both ends Monday with his hands so that they are face to face, and then slowly returned to what behind his back and then back again to the same position slowly and have a deep breathing during exercise.
• If the تدريباتك is will prefer to do exercises jogging D body and bend your legs and slowly jogging in your position until you are ready later.
• There is one of the coaches to see in the simulation of some animals and an excellent warm-up exercise for flesh , كمحاكاة the Leap Frog , this is useful warm - up joints and muscles.

Unknown / Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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