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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Fitness exercises for 20 minutes for business owners


Many do not have time to go to the gym to exercise, and these exercises are what they are looking for .

Do you want to see some positive thoughts about fitness ? Do you want to break your routine and return to your fitness high ? Do not have enough time to exercise in the gym ? No need to worry , there are strong and guaranteed training exercise for 20 to 30 minutes a day bring you strength , fitness and mind Net .

- Totals :
Repeat 10 cycles
- 10 Normal pressure
- 10 training Krancz to belly
- 10 wide pressure
- 10 training Krancz to belly
- 10 pressure to Trajseibes the
- 10/10 right / left training Krancz to belly

- Leg exercises
Repeat 5 cycles :
- 20 قرفصاء
- 20 training Krancz for feet
- 10 iterations for the training of the leg lunges
- 10 training Krancz for feet

- Running or walking
You can walk for about 3-6 miles a day, and the distribution of distance, for example , jog for a distance of 1 mile , then make like you're in a race speed for a distance of 1 mile last divided into 4 sections and then completed the distance remaining to walk, or alternately jog for a distance of 1/8 mile, then held for a distance of 1/8 mile.

- Swimming
You can swim for a distance of 100 meters, and repeat the command from 5 to 10 times , then play some abdominal exercises .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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