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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Important rules to get rid of fat and build muscle



Are you looking for a way with a definite positive results to get rid of fat or converted to muscle ? These rules are important you check this purpose.

If you are looking for a different way to get rid of excess weight and fat , and build strong muscles twisted provide you with attractive appearance and athletic body , follow these rules .

1) Why is there a difficulty in the loss of abdominal fat ?
It is quite normal , because the stomach is responsible for fat storage , and all covered in the body of the food and beverage , but also affected many of the actions that we do , such as lack of sleep , stress and the effort made , therefore, فالتخلص of fat in that area requires a diet integrated , The exercises do not stop, and the number of hours of sleep at least 8 per day.

2 ) How do I get a strong belly muscles ?
Behind this command from one person to another , according to the amount of fat in your body, and your fitness level facility, and the number of hours of sleep , and the effort that their every morning in the gym , in a nutshell , you need to 12 weeks of exercises continued at least for the feeling that you are gaining muscle belly strong and divided in a proper way .

3) What foods to be addressed ?
In general, then focusing on carbohydrates and protein each day , seven days a week, and advised specialists everyone eating nuts and natural oils , chicken, fish , milk or skim , for example , if you're dealing with 4 meals a day, try to have two of them at least Mtdmnin those the above-mentioned elements .

4) Are steroids and drugs affect the level of fitness ?
Away from steroids and drugs that you use to get rid of fat , as long as you do not stop exercise daily or regularly as you do at the moment, فجسمك retain Bakwamh الممشوق , and muscles prominent as they are, but you are surprised by the results disastrous if neglected exercises for a long time, has been getting worse this much about the moment of the beginning .

5) What if you wanted to get a tight belly only?
If you do not want to get on the muscles in the abdominal area , it is better to do abdominal exercises two days from 3 to 5 times for 6 consecutive weeks , but if you want to muscles , sports فالأجهزة located in the gym will be covered by this task .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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