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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Tips from Arnold powerful muscles of the shoulders



Exercises that had waged " Arnold Schwarzenegger " even got a steel muscles , especially the shoulders.

"Arnold Schwarzenegger " one of the most famous star bodybuilder in the world , Adanaspor sport for long periods of time before turning to acting, and since it was one of the most prominent athletes in this area , let us know on the advice to get the muscles of the shoulders strong , using the methods of new training .

1) heavy weights
System followed by "Arnold " himself in training was based mainly on carrying weights huge , and continue on this matter for long periods with increasing weights in workouts different each period , as well as to focus on the large number of groups of up to 12 group, and not less than 4 or 5 groups , and sees a great benefit to increase the body 's ability to endure and continue training for the longest possible time.

2) innovative training
Be innovative in physical exercises for the muscles of the shoulder is strong, and touched on the New exercises are focusing on every part of the muscle from different angles using either dumbbells or machines other sports , "Arnold " was one of the trainees who use pressure machines significantly in training, because the alarming impact on the upper part of the body entirely.

3) to take advantage of all the training
Says "Arnold " The compressors that force shoulder muscle to move strongly influenced directly weights they carry , should diversification in how to use them from time to time , and diversification in the weights used as well, which works to stimulate the muscle to more inflation and strength, "Arnold " relied essential to carry weights massive suffering in the filed , but felt that this was a positive outcome , especially if the trainee increase the number of groups that carried out with each exercise , which will eventually reach the top fitness, and get the athletic body strong.

4) Arnold exercises shoulder muscles strong
Advised "Arnold " All متابعيه addressing this list of exercises while at the gym to get the muscles shoulder is perfect , the beginning of the use of dumbbells in the exercise side , then lifting weights , and even exercises drag and pressure, but not less than the training session for 4 groups, with repeat every train for 8 or 10 times a day .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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