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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

3 ways to reach the wonderful body as soon as


A comprehensive plan to reach the body of the athlete who dreamed of , by changing lifestyle , diet, and exercise schedule .

If you want to change the تكوينك physical in order to become leaner and stronger, you will have to commit to lifestyle spa with resort to training sports for a long time , but if you need it in a little time , you'll need the extra effort , which help you to be achieved through the following plan .

1 - a lifestyle change
- Ausik doctors to reduce the amount of time you spend stable in one place , so try not to sit for 3 hours.
- Walking for 30 minutes every day , walking for 10 minutes after each meal , and to stand in and work harder , with work tools to use in playing sports, computer screen, are things that help you burn more fat .
- Avoid sitting in front of the TV on the weekends , and if you rely on this time to spend with the family , try to take your family on a trip outside the home in order to make an effort , but I felt compelled to watch TV you do some exercise during the advertising breaks .
- Put the goals in front of your eyes , including weight loss and increased muscle Ktltk , and try to give yourself a reward financial or in - kind that managed to reach your goals.

2 - diet change
- Reduce the amount of calories that enter your body a day by 25 % , with the knowledge that it is not necessary to reduce the amount of your food to reduce the amount of calories , there are many meals saturated few calories .
- Completely moved away from fried foods , sugars and salt and processed , because they contain foods with little nutritional value high calories .
- If you have an intense desire to eat certain foods contrary to your diet , there is no harm in allowing yourself to eat them once or twice a week.
- More than eating foods rich in protein and fat-free , such as power and fruits and vegetables.
- Adopted on eating low-calorie , such as chips , kale , carrots , yogurt and skim almonds.
- Do not overlook never eat breakfast , because it is the most important between meals today , they give the body its daily needs , and pay to burn fat accumulated in it.
- Strengthened the capacity of your body to burn fat help materials , such as cinnamon , grapefruit and spicy foods and green tea.

3 - Training Plan
- Learn about the psychological barriers that prevent you from exercising, and try to skip , cross-training for at least 5 times a week .
- You will need to use the machines at the gym ( gym ) or go to the swimming pool.
- Invest some money in your body , and this is because the investment will help to overcome the psychological barriers , because you will not want to waste money, so register membership at the gym ( gym ) , or hiring a personal coach .
- During the first week Give yourself 45 minutes every day enjoy in swimming , cycling or running or walking for long distances.
- During the second week of training days in half section , so spend 3 days with a personal trainer and another 3 days to train alone .
- In the third week tried to increase the number of duplicates the heavier weights and it will allow you to burn more calories during each day .
- In the fourth week , start to target specific areas of your body in order to push them through the workouts.
- In the fifth and sixth weeks , try to raise the intensity of exercise to increase the amount of calories you burn , then start to resort to sports increases the flexibility of the body , such as yoga .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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