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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Effective exercises to burn fat



Exercises help get rid and burn the largest percentage of body fat , based on a sudden your body.

Some exercises are used to increase strength and muscle mass , and other fitness and increase flexibility , there are also exercises targeting the body fat fitness exercises , here are some ways unusual for amazing results with fat .
1 ) Add conduct exercises to intense bouquet exercises carried out , Sir strongly and rapidly for 20 minutes at least 3 times a week , for example, then walk in the streets , such as roads leading to the high hills.
2) Use your jogging, start at low speed and then increase the speed until you reach the top , then lower your speed again .
4) then ran fast for at least 10 minutes and calculate the distance that they made , and then ran again at a lower speed .
5) increase the time period for the exercise , if you are finished after an hour then extended for a longer period of exercise , it increases the burning of fat .
6 ) and اظب on aerobic exercises with light jogging and walking , and instead quickly between exercises to get rid of as much of the fat .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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