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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

4 Common Mistakes in fitness exercises


While you are making a great effort and practice exercises in all sincerity , but you do not find a satisfactory result , what is the reason ?

In the gym all be eager to score quickly , and while not achieved at the level of the near or distant sports feel desperate, but this may be due to one of the following errors .

1) lazy Some trainees for the diversity of fitness exercises , they cling to exercise or only one device without leaving an opportunity for the body to go into a new challenge increases the strength afford it, this error is a lot of practitioners of bodybuilding , which causes the inability of the body of fitness exercises facility.

2) There are those who think that the practice of fitness exercises , Kalrkd early in the morning , without eating any meals ordered helps to lose weight, this is wrong and harmful to the body , because the body needs to fuel when doing any exercise or effort , this should not neglect the person nourishment when doing these exercises so he does not get the body of the damage and injuries.

3) a lot of fitness exercises is not the solution to weight loss, exaggeration in these exercises may harm the body, fitness exercises part of the exercises again to strengthen the body and reduce the proportion of fat do, for this are those who believe that the practice of fitness training is exaggerated will come with good results it to re- audited .

4) often see someone carrying weights light while doing exercises fitness such as the " dumbbell " , these weights are not harmful but in fact do not represent any difference in strengthening the body , or a loss of some fat, what we're trying to say is that there are there are exercises stronger and harder to take advantage of fitness training , rather than carry these weights that represent any challenge .

Unknown / Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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