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الجمعة، 20 مارس 2015

Fitness exercises using body weight



Do not need to exercise equipment nor to the devices , but with amazing results .

There are many ways and means available to Hsolaly athletic body wellness center is high and muscles huge, some of these methods does not come outcome desired quickly , while others cause pain excruciating , but exercises TRX fitness ( using body weight exercises resistance) have been developed in the basis for achieving this goal the simplest methods and equipment, began at the hands of the U.S. Navy and then spread all over the world .

1 non-specific exercises
Exercises TRX non-specific or require users to undergo exercise particular every day, but leave complete freedom for the trainee to do what he pleases , provided the use of his body as a weight training him , either by dangling in the bar railing to strengthen the muscles of the chest and arms, or by placing a squat or push-ups , which we know it, provided that they are placed a specific schedule includes the time required for the completion of all training , and repeat it more than once , and took a temporary respite lasts from 30 to 90 seconds after each train .

2 your body is an exercise device
As mentioned at the outset, based exercises on your weight your , and your ability to endure and depth in this matter , such as bending a greater or increase the proportion of resistance in the exercises to make the most of physical exertion that you do, and to clarify the matter better, Vtmarin TRX unrelated machines sports at all , and rely on just the physical effort , either by running or fully carry your weight on your arms only, any use of zinc as a tool to exercise them .

3 Do not focus on the difficult exercises
Is not required to focus exercises TRX on exercises difficult move in. muscles in your body completely , but could be addressed exercises dynamic from time to time restore the body's activity and strength , especially since the training TRX تنهك body completely and may cause muscle spasm If you do not keep the rest periods scheduled between each and the other training .

4 Alternative devices and sports equipment
Exercises TRX very useful and effective for those looking for the body of athlete macho in a short time , but at the same time, the sports equipment to provide the same thing and more comfortably , according to statements made by fitness experts , but a lot of people do not have the time or the money to buy the equipment and training them on a daily basis , and here the TRX to provide workaround, where you will find yourself in need of vacant space only, and then launched in the exercises that rely on physical exertion pure , such as pressure , jumping, squatting position and carry your weight using the muscles of the forearms, or thighs .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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