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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

4 duped Fitness signed by the zombies



A set of hardware and software in the field of sports and fitness , which it turned out they just cheated to bring in money .

Turn a lot of wanting to get a great fitness for easy solutions to achieve this, which makes them vulnerable to fall into several famous tricks to make a quick buck , Come tell you it so as not to be exposed her one day .

1) abdominal muscle training device mail
Of the most famous tricks suffered by seeking to get rid of the fat and get fitness equipment, training abdominal muscles Altiaml to send an electric current to the muscles to to contract and Tnspt including burn fat , but soon discovered users of the device that it is a fool wasted time and money and power , because it requires a combination of weight training and cardiovascular and diet with low calories , and the body to burn fat as a genetic predisposition to him , so the only way to get rid of obesity is to exercise on your own and not depending on such devices .

2) program Crunch Craze
A set of videos and programs that have sprung up recently and was promoted to the possibility of getting the muscles of the abdomen tight and visible through a combination of exercise, but the trick is that whatever the number of exercises practiced by the absence of a diet healthy and bearing exercises and " Cardio " you can not see your stomach muscles , where you need to remove a layer of body fat accumulated over the muscle to stand out , which was discovered by practicing a lot of strenuous exercise without getting rid of fat to stop follow them or buy them .

3) a dietary supplement independent of means for exercise
One of the tricks was a bottle of dietary supplements to ensure those who dealt with it a lot of fat and enriches them for doing exercises , and perhaps can supplement diet to improve your metabolism but can never replace the physical training when you talk about improving blood circulation , endurance and muscle strength , and was responsible for this product realize that many people are looking for easy ways to get a great fitness , and using appropriate methods of promotion were able to attract thousands of consumers who were too lazy to do strenuous exercises .

4 ) Training enlarge the muscles of the arms in 24 hours
Program is designed to increase the size of your arms about 3/ 8 of an inch in 24 hours and include a special diet to follow and exercises to do each hour , and although it seems logical but the fact that the trick relied on sore muscles and damage Bonsjtha leading to swelling , due to the lack of experience of the such exercises Valkhaddah deceive him and believed that his muscles increased in size but after a short time do discover it , and the fact that access to arms mega needs dedication , persistence and time where you can not get them in just 24 hours .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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