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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Tips For belly muscles strong



Useful exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles , to get the best result in the least possible time.

Exercises strengthen the abdominal muscles fit men and women alike, all you need to know some tips necessary so that your body benefit of exercise in an impressive manner , and responds to it in the case .

1) In the beginning, you must implement the primitive abdominal exercises every day for two weeks in a row before moving on to the next stage and the search for a more comprehensive training .

2) aerobic workouts for 7 minutes to help stimulate the capillaries in this area and prepare your body for physical exercises .

3) blood flow during exercise means to increase the flow of oxygen , and work to burn fat faster.

4) abdominal muscles need to constantly calories to stay active , which means that the presence and light meals during the exercises.

5) After completion of the abdominal exercises preferably addressed to another type , such as swimming or other aerobic activities .

6) breathing properly during workouts helps you to continue for a longer period .

7) must know the train - specific instructions prior to implementation so as not exposed to potential injury , or do not benefit from exercise fully .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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