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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Foods save you from abdominal fat



To get rid of belly fat , you reduce what you eat , and there is a better solution , which is to change what you eat .

Abdominal fat is considered one of the annoying things that begin to emerge because of the lifestyle that Ataatabh each other and devoid of any sports activities , there calisthenics enough to remove these fats , but we mention here the diets that will help to remove this fat.

1 ) Walnut
Food is one of the rich citrus fatty acids that you convert what you eat meals rich in carbohydrates to the muscles rather than that accumulates in the form of fat.

2) a local non- oat
You can change the breakfast بالشوفان the unsweetened and mixed with whey protein your own , or mixed with a few of the few peanut butter fat.

3 ) Apple
Some believe that in the case of weight loss must stay away from fruit which is not true, فالتفاح containing fibers give the feeling of satiety for a long time .

4) Salmon
One of the best meals that provide your body what it needs from citrus as well as fatty protein , that 's sure to be addressed from time to time .

5) egg whites
A protein net and free of any fat , this preferred dealt with exercise, it also helps to reduce the calories in the body.

6) protein powder cheese
Eating appropriate diet supplement is extremely important for the growth of the muscles during exercise , as it benefits from not dealing with a great deal of protein-rich meat .

7) Broccoli
Vegetables will play a major role in weight loss , particularly as it does not contain a lot of calories and rich in fiber , which gives a feeling of satiety, and vitamins and minerals that maintain health, such as broccoli plant rich in vitamins useful .

8) flax seeds
Many people now know the nutritional value of flaxseed and its oil and became يضيفونها to their diets due to the richness of citrus, fat and fiber , and omega-3 oil is available in flaxseed maintains bone strength.

9 ) Berries
Helps fat loss because it contains a rich amount of fiber , and can be added to whey protein your .

10) natural peanut butter
Is a third party manufacturer and butter that does not contain a lot of sugar and other additives , can be addressed in the morning to give you a feeling of satiety reduces your intake of food for this it helps to fat loss.

Unknown / Author & Editor

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