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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

How do you get muscles Hugh Jackman



The " Hugh Jackman " to disclose the secret of muscles twisted harmonious , and we will quote you the secrets of these muscles.

And one of the most famous representatives of Hollywood in the recent period after he succeeded in providing a variety of roles which appeared sporting a lithe muscular body , the most important figure " Wolverine ," Let us recognize the most prominent training sport that made ​​him the this body League .

1) Pressure exercises using dumbbells
Start in a squatting position , and then drag your feet back , and use the dumbbells in your arms installed on the ground, and start the implementation of regular push-ups that we all know , and repeat the command from 4 to 6 sets taking simple breaks .

2) back exercises
Use the machine forearms exercises in the gym to do exercises clouds , but in a different way through the attachment of the machine from the top , with the ups and downs on a regular basis to strengthen the muscles of the back in an exciting way .

3) Close the hand grip
You bow in front of a down payment , and then extend your arms up with a machine to pull down until you reach the chest area , and then let the ball came back again , it is preferable to do this exercise 8 times per group .

4 ) clouds exercises using one arm
Sit up straight in front of drawing machine , and constipated by using the only one arm , and then start in the clouds a few times , you can stop at 5, and change the mode to use your other hand .

5) vertical muscle
This allows you to exercise to strengthen the muscles of the forearms and biceps by lifting dumbbells individually in each hand, with a slightly move your arm during ascent above to increase pressure on the shoulders and gain more power .

6) weight lifting
Exercise is important for the muscles of the chest , where the trainee must lie on the ground and start lifting weights from the sleeping situation , specialists advised of the need to protect the shoulders and make forearms close to each other during the landing weight down.

7) Put the front squat
This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the legs , back and ankles, and the ability to enjoy high physically fit and lifting huge weights , but if you are experiencing great difficulty in the application of the exercise professionally , prefers addressed to the normal squat position .

Unknown / Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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