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الجمعة، 20 مارس 2015

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulders



If you 're looking for the perfect body , you need attention to every part of it separately , and as the shoulders of the places that neglects the many exercises in their own journey to strengthen the body, First, we assure you need attention, and secondly let you know how to do it.

1) Learn your weaknesses and treatment
Before performing any exercise , you first need to identify your weaknesses , and vulnerable areas in your body , and then prepare well to strengthen those areas through exercise and diet tight , just like the construction process , when work is done on the building Dkhmn workers begin developing the foundations solid bear building height and strength later.

2) anatomy
Shoulder muscle , is considered the main engine for most parts of the body the top , there are 4 muscles help move the upper part of the body which is used in many ways the most important of lifting heavy objects , those muscles , such as the shoulder joint and fork , if you do not Ptqoatha through exercise intensive , it has you find yourself exposed to numerous injuries whenever I tried to do any great effort .

3 ) Learn the muscles and how powerful rotary
You stand in an upright position against a wall , and start the implementation of a squatting position with moving your knees at an angle mi 90 degrees , and then lift your arms up so that a shoulder angle of 90 degrees as well, and then start to move your hand without touching the wall, if you can not do that, make sure that the rotary muscles in the shoulder area are weak and can not make this effort , and the need for a range of exercise to strengthen and build on it , follow this exercise :

- External rotation exercises
Start this exercise in the sitting position , then place your hand on anything in front of you and try touching كوعك area of ​​the knee, so that your forearm parallel to the floor , and without moving any other part of the body , move helped to lift your body off the ground with the survival of your arms on the floor.

- Reverse roller exercises
Stand in front of any reel, such as those found in the halls sports, Mark shoulders Mmtdan forward without moving any other part of the body , and then move your arms back and forward again with a stay constant ( Repeat this exercise 15 to 20 times per day) .

- Dumbbells
Lie on a bench and lift your hands straight status with the use of dumbbells, and then start moving your hands very slowly to the bottom and the top, and backward and forward, and would prefer to stay for a few seconds in each mode before returning to the main mode that began exercises.

Unknown / Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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