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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Food is better to strengthen the muscles


To build strong muscles bodybuilding practitioner needs to propagation of a specific kind of foods and meals .

The following is a set of dishes that help muscle growth and increase strength, because they contain a protein that you need after a stressful muscle exercises.

1 ) The most important foods that should not be absent from the daily when practicing bodybuilding , is a protein - rich egg dish , which covers the needs of the body of the protein better than meat. But there are those who neglect the egg yolk despite its severe food , eggs may also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals beneficial to the body .

2 ) There are also almond nuts that contain vitamin E , which helps muscle recovery from severe complications exercises and thus faster growth . Nuts give the mind a greater ability to remember and reduce the chance of being infected with Alzheimer's disease , as it does not add any fat on the body .

3) protein - rich salmon is also considered one of the main dishes for practitioners of bodybuilding , it contains Omega-3 acids that reduce the complications of muscle injury after exercise and provide adequate protein , it also reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes and heart disease.

4) yogurt is an excellent mixture of protein fortified and muscles and carbohydrates that stimulate the body energy for exercise , so it is considered a very important food .

5 ) Of course, comes among the most important beef dishes practitioners bodybuilding exercises , he along with protein containing zinc, iron , one of the most important nutrients for muscle growth .

6) You must also make sure there is olive oil in any meal , it contains elements that protect the muscle from injury , as it prevents diseases such as diabetes and heart disease .

7) Because 80 % of muscle consists of water , they are considered an essential element in the diet of sports , and the muscle of water - sustaining wetlands benefit more from their dry counterparts .

8) may be considered drink coffee strange for practitioners of bodybuilding , but it is scientifically proven that the assistant to increase aerobic endurance, thanks to the caffeine it contains, drank coffee before exercise radios help to increase endurance , they also have health benefits such as prevention of prostate cancer.

Unknown / Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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