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الجمعة، 20 مارس 2015

Exercise is important before sports training hard



"Spider-Man " New discovery exercise fitness specialist abbreviated you half the distance .

Everyone deals with exercises warm-up before the hearings fitness, either by running light or waving your arms in the air to activate the body, but " Davidjack " a specialist in fitness training sees the opposite, and advised all those interested in exercises sports addressing to train new name of " Spider-Man " helps to move the thigh muscles and feet during workouts more quickly , allowing you to jump and running and lifting heavier weights without any problems or difficulties .

1) In the beginning, Place on the ground straight up , then move your left foot next to the left arm , with the survival of the right foot at the back as if you were preparing for takeoff in the marathon race .

2) Breathe deeply , then change the then very quickly by moving the right foot forward, with the return of the left foot back as was the case in the first step , with the only change places away .

3 ) the implementation of the exercise more than once before any fitness training helps in stimulating the thigh and shoulder muscles and the entire lower part of the body , giving you more energy during the training sessions .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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