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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Get muscles twisted small expenses


How to benefit from all around to build muscle of your dreams , including in this same body ?

Many people believe that getting athletic body is lean textures and macho requires a lot of money on supplements and several training and other things similar , but in fact, there is more than one way help in Alhsolaly ideal body without having to spend money on things that do not interest them.

1 ) Use your body and your weight training in real rather than the use of large machines and expensive , this method called " Altotrraldenamiki " It helps to reduce injuries , increase agility and fitness through the use of zinc in the push - ups and jumping and prolongation .

2 ) the use of alternative instruments for roads usual aerobics , for example , use the stairs on a daily basis for weight loss instead of taking the elevator, as well as you can do exercises pressure and abdomen to get the muscles of the abdomen and shoulder strong without the need for the use of machinery or spending money on Eat sports.

3) jumping exercises , swimming, jogging, walking does not cost you any money to remember , which is very useful in building the muscles of the body and increase the rate of physical fitness.

4) Listen to the radio or smartphone during exercise, Music increases the activity, and you do not need to buy a new iPod and ask yourself huge expenses as long as you have the alternative .

5) relied on snacks that provide your body with energy during workouts, as well as preferred to focus on skimmed milk instead of dietary supplements , eating mainly tuna once every day.

6) drink large amounts of water after training.

7 ) took in enough sleep for extended periods and away from the things that bother you or cause wake you up from sleep as much as possible .

8 ) You can follow the way of professional training through books or the Internet , they are available for free , and charge you to go to the gymnasium to practice with a particular person .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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