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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Methods harm the process of weight loss



Follow the wrong road in weight loss is counterproductive , or at least does not lead to any decrease in weight.

If you feel frustrated by your inability to lose weight despite your attempts seriousness , we define here the reasons may spoil your weight-loss program without your knowledge.

1) Do not fall victim to the fatty products sold for those who wish to lose weight and that its claim to be free of calories, too often these products cause an increase in weight .

2) get little sleep may cause gain a lot of fat as it makes the body in a vegetative state and is unable to perform the appropriate process for weight loss .

3 ) You must determine what you want to your body before embarking on any diet , do you want to lose weight or convert Dhunk to muscles. In the second choice is often an individual the mistake of eating a lot of foods , making it unable to lose weight.

4) Do not expose yourself to a lot of pressure is sometimes slow down the process of weight loss and affect its effectiveness .

5 ) Do not neglect eating , there are those who believe that the harsh diets are the easiest way to lose weight , but in fact makes the body stores the largest amount of fat in it because of the suffering of hunger.

6) Set up a notebook to record what you eat every day , may surprise you with what you Pachtlash meals without notice .

7 ) Do not succumb to the temptation of food and you بتخبئة some foods Bkhozantek in the home or workplace.

8 ) Follow the serious exercises under the supervision of a professional coach one of the gyms do not follow the usual aerobics with yourself without any specialist , in the latter case often give up.

9) must explore the honesty with yourself when dealing with the fact that your loss of weight , or lack thereof .

10) If you have all previous attempts and I found it difficult to lose weight , فاستعن doctor , sometimes there are medical reasons shift between you and your weight loss.

Unknown / Author & Editor

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