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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

How to speed up the growth of muscles



Amplify muscle in record time and fast can be achieved by following the steps specific health .

Any practitioner for the sport of bodybuilding wants to grow his muscles in a short period of time , some heading to harmful stimulants to achieve such a thing , although there are many healthy ways to stimulate muscle growth , but require a degree of seriousness and commitment .

1) Eat plenty of foods containing protein, such as red and white meat and fish rich in minerals and vitamins along with protein , these foods make muscle able to burn more calories during exercise which accelerates their growth.

2) Be sure to eat your vegetables that contain protein , such as beans , soybeans and peanuts.

3) More than eat spinach , cauliflower They contain a lot of minerals and nutrients that protect muscle atrophy and bone fragility , they also protect against heart disease and cancer.

4 ) eat beans and flax oil pills not vacation , فحبوب linen contain protein , fiber and omega-3 oil , they also prevent inflammation that affects muscle growth.

5 ) Replace oats , rice , beans , quinoa , a kind of grain contains larger amounts of protein.

6) Taking supplements in the days where there is no food in your diet plenty of protein dishes , if you follow the diet , and in the days that abound reduced protein intake of dietary supplements .

7) increase the weights gradually borne , and must decrease of the number of meetings in order to increase the weights that stimulate muscle growth, muscle Measure every 4 weeks to follow , how they grow .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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