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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Misconceptions about physical exercises



Months interns errors that is where amateur continuously and make them vulnerable to the specter of injuries .

Sometimes, spread a lot of concepts , sports training misconceptions among the trainees , because some people do not performs learn the right way, or because of add - ons that are often harmful rather than beneficial.

1) the dangers of lactic acid
Some trainees that the use of medical products for the world of bodybuilding and containing lactic acid cause fatigue the body and weaken the muscles, but in fact, this is not unfounded , Vhamad lactic has no any side effects also works to rid the body of stress and heal muscle , the only thing that causes the product is excruciating pain that you will feel immediately after use , but in the long run , it does not cause a weakening of the muscles at all.

2) the speed of the effect of exercise on the body
Complained some of that physical exercise does not appear impact on the body at the same speed that occur with other people, the main reason for this is that the composition of each body is different from the other , and the exercises that touches her every person may be suitable for his body completely , but they do not fit another person by the same amount resulting in delayed increase muscle size and high level of fitness , but in total , there are many exercises that suit everyone , such as pressure , payment and dumbbell exercises .

3) intense workouts
In the world of fitness , there is no clear meaning of the training facility, intensive , Staying throughout the day in the gym does not guarantee you access to athletic body as strong as dreaming , while the implementation of a set of exercises Professional properly guarantee you this, simply , you should measuring the effort against the maximum of your abilities to take advantage of your time in the gym, instead of continuing to lift weights throughout the day.

4 ) the use of foot in weightlifting patches and not back
While lifting heavy weights , there are many options that will be it, either to lift the weight depending on the strength of your back , which is what will happen in the end to your injury in the back , or be used to carry the weight foot , which means the successful completion of the operation , or in the the worst conditions , exposure to a minor knee injury or hips .

5) training for a short period
Do not complain if you spend just one hour in the gym and did not get after the body athlete who is looking for , Valtmarin sports depend mainly on the size of the groups that practice it every day , in other words , you can implement an exercise and one each on 5 different times , but you you will not feel the difference even after a full year , say fitness experts regarding this matter The division of exercise to equal groups extend to 20 sets of each exercise is the ideal solution to ensure the impact of these exercises on the body, and take advantage of the effort made , and therefore prefers that you train all exercise for 12 consecutive or 20 times a day, but will suffer from the problem of the lack of any change in the muscles of the body and the outer shape .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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