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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

How to develop a plan for weekly fitness traini



Plan a weekly sports to get the best results from fitness training .

Finding a plan appropriate training may seem hard for men , every week is witnessing the launch of several new products to markets equipment and training modern which makes us puzzled hurry , but if you follow these steps , it has overcome the problem with the utmost simplicity in order to obtain athletic body for as long as dreamed of.

1 ) Determine the activity you prefer
Has everyone structure differs from the others , there are those looking for exercise for the body of steel as if it were the world champion in bodybuilding , and from there looking for access to fitness is high, and the body is lean textures, it is necessary to specify the way you want to تسلكه on this is , most importantly, good to know your limits and your physical potential so as not exposed to a lot of injuries because of the pressure on yourself.

2) group exercises
It is not necessary that preferably all trainees go to the gym on a daily basis , there are those who prefer to stay at home and implement exercises individually , and from there looking for participation and the presence of a few of the trainees around to exchange experiences and encourage each other , but it is certain that you can not combine drills , home gyms .. Must be resolved order and focus on just one place .

3 ) Focus on specific exercises
Turning always an exercise carried out for a long time , then it helps to focus on muscle -specific, and growth in a shorter time rather than addressing a bouquet of different exercises every day , which would result in a long time until it reaches the physical condition and the physical are looking for.

Unknown / Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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