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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

How to motivate yourself to exercise


Motivate self to exercise is not easy, despite the existence of methods to help implement it.

Many of us want to exercise , especially after the deterioration of his fitness and the increased weight, but always preferred delay to no end , and even resolve the matter and begin positive steps to get the body you have always dreamed of , here are these tips.

1) You may make it difficult to step Go directly to the gym , and this something simple makes you in a state of readiness , such as do some push - ups or jogging for short distances.

2) Do a quick workout does not exceed his time of 5 minutes to move all the muscles in the body , even destroys the myth of lack of time , but I know that this exercise will not lead to rapid weight loss or muscle growth , only a mere catalyst.

3 ) Replace the habits of lazy day another useful for your body , for example, instead of watching TV for hours , go to the gym and March some sport .

4) Think positive about the exercise, convince yourself that you need training in order to be good - looking , but do not think about it like a forced thing or action so as not to feel the negative direction.

5 ) persuaded yourself to go to the gym , if you feel that you do not want to to rehearse back to the house , though it is rare, Step Go is the most important .

6 ) Identify yourself a target enrollment is one of the gyms for perseverance to exercise, achieved this goal in various ways , whether light workout , which is your body or participate in a charity marathon .

7) You can you Ramzi agreement with one of your friends is to pay you money for every kilo lose even motivate yourself on the matter.

8) Even if you are not practicing any sport for a long period of time, select inside your head that it does not inevitably exercise to improve your mental and physical health.

9) You can use the TV sports programs to help you exercise and provide you with exercises that you need .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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