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الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

How to prolong the battery life in the operating system iOS7


Commands through which extend the life of the battery work in the new operating system from the " Apple " for smart phones.

Advantage of the operating system iOS 7 Ptdmenh for many of the advantages that benefit from the potential of mobile company "Apple" very much , but as is the case in most of the products , there are side effects can not be disposed of easily , such as the problem of running out of battery life , so you set tips to help you to maintain the amount of energy in the battery for as long as possible .

1) Close the Bluetooth permanently if you do not use it , then it helps to save energy and increase battery life significantly because of the continuing search operations .

2) location - based services and maps cause the consumption of large amounts of energy while selecting the site and perform searches extensively , so please close this service if you do not use.

4 ) Go to the path Settings >> Wallpapers & Brightness and uncheck the lighting is automatically selected , use that instead of the medium lighting during the night , and strong in the period of the day if you are located outside the house most of the time .

5 ) to get rid of annoying messages notifications , go to Settings >> Notification Center , and final closure of this feature , so you do not receive many alerts each a short period of time a private phone condition and what is happening on the different accounts of the social networking sites .

Unknown / Author & Editor

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